Thursday Mar 14, 2024

083: Going Deep With Linkedin with Braden Wallake

Could a LinkedIn faux pas be the best thing to ever happen to your business? Braden Wallake, CEO of HyperSocial and OttoMatey, joins us to recount the viral sensation he never saw coming—a social media post that unexpectedly boosted his profile and taught him, and many others, invaluable lessons. 

Meet Braden Wallake, the CEO and founder of HyperSocial and OttoMatey. Despite being a 5x college dropout, he leads a team of marketing experts in creating personalized, effective B2B marketing campaigns. His responsibilities include managing the team, developing strategies, and working with clients to achieve their unique goals.

Braden unpacks the intersection of AI and marketing, spotlighting the potential and pitfalls of letting algorithms take the wheel in professional communications. Listen to this episode that's part business masterclass, part survival guide, and all about turning a leap of faith into a forward march.

Here are the key takeaways from this conversation:

  • Strategies how to reassure the team amidst media attention and uncertainty

    • Communicate openly and transparently with the team about the company's challenges, decisions, and the context behind the viral event and its consequences.

    • Address concerns about stability and employment directly.

    • Offering Support such as free consultations and LinkedIn profile optimizations

    • Focusing on Moving Forward by directing attention to future actions and growth

    • Handle the situation with grace and dignity. 

    • It is important to have open and honest conversations with individuals in order to maintain positive morale while still addressing areas that need improvement.

  • The Risk of relying on white-label services: Using white-label services without proper knowledge can harm your service quality, value, personalization, client engagement, and agency growth.

  • Leveraging Viral Attention for Good: Braden and his team chose not to take advantage of the viral moment for their own benefit. Instead, they used the attention to help others. They offered free consultations and LinkedIn profile optimizations to those who had lost their jobs

  • Enhancing personalization in LinkedIn marketing:

    • Use AI but add a unique human touch.

    • Craft original messages that stand out.

    • Lead with value instead of aggressive pitches.

    • Build relationships, not just sales agendas

Closing Thought:  “Owning your mistakes has the power to transform individuals and organizations. It strengthens leadership, trust, and continuous learning, and can turn blunders into strategic triumphs.”

Where to find Braden:

To learn more about Umbrella and to connect with CEO Itamar Shafir, go to

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